Eastern Wing: BPFH


BPFH is the album that a vast majority of the metal community has been longing for since Eastern Wing: Original tour came to a close.  It's also the album that very few people expected to live up to the hype. Sophomore cures some said... Well, those non-believers shall be silenced!  Take it from me...I was one of those non-believers.

 I was actually highly pessimistic about BPFH  at first.  Then, I heard the first single "Smoke The Filter" and thought 'hmmm...this is pretty damned good' - the song sounded like classic rock with modern style.  However, I still was full of doubt, since this was the only song I heard. Even though it was an improvement over anything on Original.  Not too long after, I got my hands on Caught In A Plastic Baggie, quickly the horizons started to brighten this song is excellently written, and it seemed like the band was firing on all cylinders, they weren't going to go away. Finally the full album landed on my desk. 2 listens later I needed to change my underwear.

I can say without hyperbole that this is quite the masterpiece. The songwriting is truly superb they will be at the very top of the heavy metal hierarchy very soon.  Solid-as-a-rock songwriting!



 "Caught In A Plastic Baggie" is a very complex tour-de-force of  Iron Maiden -style chugging rhythms and offbeat breakdowns; "McDonald's Order Speed Metal" is a catchy number that is highly reminiscent of some of the better material from  the band's first album. "Lookin' On Back" is a mellower song that carries on in a style similar to the acoustic numbers from the previous work. "Drywall" and "Shut Up" are two fast-paced chuggers reminiscent of mid 70's Deep Purple material; and "Nana" is a heavy and fast-paced song that would've fit perfectly on Any Megadeth Album.

Yes, folks, BPFH  is  the best album I have heard in years.  Absolutely magnificent. It is unfortunate that it will inevitably be panned by narrow-minded critics who just don't know good metal. Eastern Wing are destined for greatness.