These Quotes were taken from  members that really don't understand Eastern Wing...



I didn't get it.... started off a little progressive or fusion-like then I don't know what happened. Tried to be like Korn somewhere in the middle. -God I hate Korn...Even on the Kob

Fowl language never gets commercial airplay. -but idiotic lyrics like rhyming leadership with leave your shit does... I don't get it.

I like the turnaround from soft keyboard to heavy, as the kids say, mosh music. Too bad it's been done. -Yeah the Jazz/piano/Death metal genre of music... Over hyped, over played... Done to death.

Macho metal songs aren't very cool anymore. -Your right. Macho Mallcore music like limp is where it's at! YO!

You should get a new vocalist because these guys are a dime a dozen. Get something new in your music. -I guess I should replace myself huh?

The guitar sound really adds weight to the song. A better produced version of this song might help. -The heavier the better!

If you like heavy metal with dumb lyrics...then.. annoying, repetitive, ever hear of melody? -Nope.

Way too synth for a rock song. Sounds are too fake... drop the intro. Keep the guitar. Drop the keyboards. Why would you use such fairy sounds in a song with that guitar riff and those vocals. You get points for originality, but overall is week because it doesn't work together.-week? Oh... You mean weak! hmm. I like the fact that it's piano/jazz/death metal... But that's been done before.

Interesting keyboard riffs. A bit disjointed - like several pieces sewn together. Too angry for my taste. -Maybe we should sing about flowers.

Choke Kojack

...why....? -It needs to be addressed. It is a VERY big problem.

I don't find this amusing, or musical, or worth a listen at all.-AWE! C'Mon! Everyone does it. Some just lie about it!

Not really to my taste but very original! I could picture it on an advert for toilet paper or maybe on Sesame Street! -See now here is a rational person...  Waittaminute!! Sesame Street!!!!! AHHHHH!! You Pervert!

bile -thanks...

i guess you had to be there -Yeah! The club was filled with drunk, date raping frat boys!

Original beginning and way to get into the song. Totally out of the blue. I had no idea it was going to be a comedy tune. Very funny! Adam Sandler might want to buy this song from you. 'Cause this is way funnier than any of his shit. I loved the break where you list the names for self gratification. Religious/Inspirational -Now here is a man with TASTE!

Kerplackistanian Nights

Yuck! I do not like this techno or whatever it is.-Maybe you would enjoy piano/jazz/death metal better?

Good groove with a weak production. It has great potential with a solid mix. Interesting sound selection.-Anyone know what DEMO means?

Intro is a waste of time.....Noisy and distorted recording. Levels way too high on the board.....Vocals inaudible most of the time.....Male vocalist is the only audible vocalist and his pitch needs work. -I guess it bothers you when you can't make out what people are saying... Maybe they are talking about you?

Sounds like David Grisman meets Godzilla. I like it! -Since you like it I'll take that as a complement.

good for movie, needs guitar and vocals -Did you listen to the same song as I did?

I like that the track is somewhat experimental. At least its only 3 minutes.-Uh... Thanks?

It sounds like the same song I've heard a thousand times but not as good. The violin doesn't work for me at all I might like the track without it and maybe without the vocals as well.-But if you listened to the same song a thousand times that should say something about it right? Sorry that the violin doesn't work for you. maybe it's broken.